1 MLongest Female Beard: Vivian Wheeler of Illinois, USA, grew an 11ins beard after her mum died and now works in a circus.
2 50 MBiggest Ball Of Cling Film: Chef Andy Martell made a ball 54ins round in Toronto, Canada, last year. 3 MMost Items Regurgitated: Stevie Starr, of Glasgow, swallowed a billiard ball, a bumble bee, a goldfish, a ring and a padlock and key. He brought up the ring locked inside the padlock.
4 MBiggest Butter Sculpture: A 160ft version of the Statue of Liberty was built at Sydney harbour in Australia in April. It melted.
5 1 MLongest Fingernails: In 1998, Shridhar Chillal, of Poona, India, had nails on his left hand with a total length of 20ft, 2.25ins.
6 MBiggest Belly-button Fluff Collection: Aussie Graham Barker has collected 15.41g of his own navel fluff since 1984.
7 MBowling ball Stacking: David Kremer, of Wisconsin, USA, stacked 10 in 1998. 8 MLongest Woman's Legs: Sam Stacy, of, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, has 49.75ins legs.
9 MMost Lightning Strikes Survived: Virginia park ranger Roy C Sullivan was zapped seven times between 1942 and 1977. He had his hair set alight and lost his eyebrows. 10 MLargest Underpants: The Exeter Council for Voluntary Service unveiled a pair of 31.29 ft wide, 16 ft tall pants on June 7, 2003.
11 MMost People Wearing Groucho Marx Glasses: US schoolboy Joe Kavanagh gathered 937 Grouchos in 2003. 12 MBiggest Scottish Country Dance: The Toronto Branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society staged a 512-person reel on August 17, 1991.
MBiggest Hug: A total of 4703 people hugged for 10 seconds in Kristanstad, Sweden in 2001.
14 MBiggest Accordion Group: Dutch band The Stedeker Dansers assembled 566 accordionists in 2000.
15 MMost Worms Eaten in 30 Seconds: Mr C. Manoharan ate 200 in Chennal, India, last November. 16 MMost Socks Worn on One Foot: Kirsten O' Brien put 41 socks on one foot in London in May 2003. 17 MBiggest Bubblegum Bubble Blown: Susan Montgomery Williams, of Fresno, California, blew a 23-inch bubble in July, 1994. 18 MMost Cockroaches Eaten: Ken Edwards ate 36 in a minute on The Big Breakfast in March 2001. 19 MMost Cobras Kissed: Gordon Cates of Alachua, Florida, kissed 11 cobras in Los Angeles in September, 1999.
20 MMilk Squirting: Mike Moraal, of Vancouver, Canada, squirted some milk 2.615 metres out of his eye in Paris in September, 2001.
21 MMost Bees in Mouth: Dr Norman Gary held 109 for 10 seconds in LA in 1998.
MLoudest Burp: Paul Hunn's belch registered 118.1 decibels in 2000.
2223MMost Instruments in One-Man-Band: Rory Blackwell played 108 instruments at once in Dawlish, Devon, in May, 1989.
24 MFastest Turkey Plucker: Vincent Pilkington of County Cavan, Ireland, plucked a turkey in 90 seconds in November, 1980. MFastest Skiing Behind Motorbike: 25Gary Rothwell was towed at 156.4 mph in Liverpool in 1999. MFastest Ejection of Spaghetti From26Nose: Kevin Cole, of New Mexico, USA, blew a strand of spaghetti 19cm in 1998.
27 M Chainsaw Juggling: Tom Comet, of Canada, juggled three saws 44 times at the 2002 Edinburgh Festival. 28 MCream Cracker Eating: Sports agent Ambrose Mendy, of London, ate three cream crackers in 49.15 seconds in 2002.
29MFastest 100m on Unicycle: Pete Rosendahl did it in12.11 seconds in Las Vegas in 1994. 30 MMost Sheep Sheared in 24 Hours: New Zealanders Alan MacDonald and Keith Wilson machine-sheared 2220 in June, 1988. 31 MHighest Legal Base Jump (skydive without a plane): Nick Feteris and Glenn Singleman jumped from a Pakistani mountain ledge 19,300ft up. 32 MLongest Fall Survived Without Parachute: Stewardess Vesna Vulovic fell 33,330ft in 1972. She broke both legs.
33 MLongest Bout of Hiccups: Charles Osborne, of Iowa, USA, started hiccuping in 1922 and stopped in 1990. He died a year later.
34 MMost Common Skin Infection: 70 per cent of humans have athlete's foot.
35 MMost Valuable Tooth: One of Sir Isaac Newton's sold for pounds 730 in London in 1816. 36 MMost Fingers,Toes: Indian brothers Tribhuwan and Triloki Yadav have 12 toes and 10 fingers each.
37 MMost Artificial Joints: Charles Wedde, of Michigan, and Anne Davison, of Tyne and Wear, have both had 12 joint replacements. 38 MLongest Tongue: Englishman Stephen Taylor's tongue is 9.4 cm long. 39 MMost Tattooed Man: Tom Leppard, of Skye, has spots tattooed on 99.9 per cent of his body.
40 MMost Body Piercings In One Session: KamMa was pierced 600 times in a day in Sunderland in 2002.
41 M Hairiest Family: Mexican circus acrobats Victor and Gabriel Ramos Gomez have hair on 98per cent of their bodies. 42 MMost spoons balanced on face: 15, by American Tim Johnston in May this year.
MHair Splitting: British engineer Alfred West could split a hair into 17 strands. 4344 MMost Plastic Surgery: Peruvian Transsexual Fulvia Sandoval has had 64 ops. 45 M Oldest Male Stripper: Bernie Barker, of Miami Beach, is 64. 46 MLongest Ear Hair: Indian Radhakant Bajpal has 5.19ins ear tufts.
47 MBiggest Dog Biscuit: Made in the US in 1999, it was 7.7ft long and 1.9ft wide. 48 MBiggest Artificial Christmas Tree: 52mhigh and 62m wide - made by locals in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
49 MMost Rhinestones On AHuman Body: Spanish designer Maria Rosa Pons stuck 30,361 rhinestones sequins to a model in 2001.
50 MMost Guinness World Records Held: Ashrita Furma, of New York State, holds 20 records, for feats including milk bottle balancing and pushing an orange with his nose.
PUT THAT AWAY: Steve; Taylor with his tongue; SCARY AND HAIRY: Leppard, left, is most tattooed man, and Gomez, above, is hairiest. Cracker eating is another popular record; NIPPY: Bees in mouth